Embark on a journey of digital excellence with a human touch

Welcome to the digital world of Rami Salomaa, where innovation, expertise, and a human touch converge.

As an experienced marketing strategist and AI specialist, I simplify complex concepts and unlock the true potential of your brand. Whether you need modern marketing strategies or AI solutions for various challenges, I provide creative, human-centered approaches. Dive into a realm where your brand not only thrives but leads in the digital landscape.

Entrepreneurial spirit meets global impact

With over 15 years in digital marketing and extensive AI experience across various business sectors, I've successfully guided over 100 companies and 1,000 individuals. My roles as a marketing director and AI expert for listed companies, entrepreneurs, and non-profits emphasize a holistic approach. It's not just about isolated services but crafting a cohesive narrative that resonates globally. Always ask 'why' – a successful plan ensures all elements work together seamlessly, driving your brand to lead in the digital landscape.

Where business, marketing, and AI converge

My expertise transforms business and marketing challenges into opportunities for growth. With a strong foundation in marketing strategy and a deep understanding of digital business and AI, I offer a comprehensive approach. Skilled in devising custom strategies and integrating social media with AI, my methods are both innovative and focused. While I specialize in marketing, my proficiency spans various digital business areas, utilizing state-of-the-art tools to elevate your online presence and drive success.


”Rami is a goal-oriented person who will get results no matter how much work it requires. He has very good interpersonal skills and he gets along with just about anybody. He has actively developed his technical and business skills to match his entrepreneurial nature. With this combination he has successfully helped me with marketing challenges in the past.”

Matti Heikkilä
Metgen Oy, Technology Director at MetGen

"Rami is a creative digital marketing expert with great people skills. He is a hard-working team player who knows how to identify and solve customer’s problems. Rami comes up with practical solutions that are easy to understand and adapt. He always maintains good relations with co-workers and clients and never refuses when you ask him for help!"

Krister Ahlberg
International Trade Center, United Nations


Core expertise

#Markkinointistrategia #sisältöstrategia #maksullinen mainonta #Henkilöbrändäys #ASIANTUNTIJALÄHETTILYYS #AMAZON #Kansainvälistyminen #Gotomarket#B2C #VERKKOKAUPPA #B2B #Google #VERKKOSIVUT #Markkinointikumppanuudet#LINKEDIN #Facebook #INSTAGRAM #TIKTOK#SÄHKÖPOSTIMARKKINOINTI #SEM #SEO #Markkinointibudjetti #Data#Markkinointiteknologiat #Rekrytointimarkkinointi #Analytiikka   #Vaikuttajamarkkinointiyhteistyöt #markkinoinninkilpailutus #Ulkoistaminen#Auditointi #Socialselling

Marketing strategy

Digital business

Employer and employee branding

Data & analytics

Video Marketing

Social media

Website creation and optimization

Email marketing

AI strategy

AI tools

Creative planning

Influencer marketing

Content strategy

Affiliate marketing

Paid advertising

Social selling

Don't hesitate to contact me.

I will guide you towards success.